Above: My Fine Art studio space for my second year at Uni. This work was a self devised brief where i concentrated on memory and time conjoining people with objects. I wanted to make my work more sculptural by experimenting with paint and objects.
Above: The collection has developed from textured canvas surfaces portraying the subject to the subject itself determining the way it is portrayed. A snapshot of a mirror’s reflection frozen in time showing a fragment of the face, almost like a picture, blanking out the parts you do not want to see. Focusing on the form of the human skin, how it is easily disguised, shown, glimpsed at in its blurred form. When in reality this is how it really is, merely that no one realises until it is brought forward right in front of your face.
Above: During the period of this brief I along with four other student held our own exhibition which was at 'The Glass Box' in Coventry.
These pieces show surfaces of faces, objects and buildings, looking at the texture in its close-up form. Smooth, rough, protruding materials portraying the subject as something it’s not, something you do not see at first. At closer inspection or touch, the pulpous mounds, deep cavities, smooth ridges are revealed.